Ritnand Balved Education Foundation, established in 1986, is one of India’s leading philanthropy, education, and development foundations comprising Universities, Higher Education Institutions, Schools, Pre-schools, Forums, Academies and Centres of Research & Excellence.
The Foundation is the guiding light behind the vision of 3 universities, over 200 world-class institutions, forums & academies with areas of focus varying from Anthropology to Biotechnology, Aerospace Engg. to Fine Arts, Nanotechnology to Ocean Science, Renewable Energy to Space Science.
Centres under the Foundation are engaged in research and training, management, education, application in diverse areas of science, technology, medicine, applied sciences, rural development, industrial research, leadership and many more.
As part of its greater commitment, the RBEF also supports nation building through initiatives like military training, environment & energy research, corporate social responsibility, youth empowerment activities like hosting world youth forums, sporting academies and extensive support for the underprivileged sections of the society.
Today the vision of the Foundation has spread across most cities of India, global hubs, campuses, schools, colleges, institutes, research centres and even pre-schools. But above all the RBEF philosophy lives in the successive generations of students, reputed professionals and young leaders inspired to touch the next level of excellence.